Sunday, May 6, 2012


Oh May. The season of finals. This is what I should look like when the week of finals rolls around, but this is what I actually feel like...

And as such, with Finals spirit, I try to distract myself during break time from studying with some bunny sessions. Yes, I do actually study. But I do get some lax time in or I get too stressed. So, I have decided to teach Tipsy some tricks! I bought some new papaya treats and I cut each little square up in little tiny pieces so she doesnt eat an entire cube. Her first trick is to turn in a circle!! So far, so good, but I have to still make her follow my hand, but you know thats fine we'll get the hang of it. She is too cute. I'll keep an update of her tricks! Not my studying, thats boring.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easter is Coming Up!

I like to take the time to remind people that Easter is not about the rabbits. It's about Christianity. Aside the fact, during this time, it is my resolution to go around and educate people about rabbits and that they are not little pocket pets that can be kept in a cage but must have room to run like a dog or a cat, and need toys and love and attention like any dog or cat. This time of year, so many rabbits are given as presents to children and within a few days, the rabbit is abandoned because it wasnt what the family expected. Visit the "Make Mine Chocolate" organization to get information on a group that strives to keep rabbits from being given as presents to kids to then be thrown out of the house.

Monday, March 12, 2012

March of the Bunnies!!!

I totally forgot! So, tis the season again to change my background... and as it is March, it is a St. Patrick's Day rabbit!!! I give you, another adorable bunny!
Funny and ironic, its another lionhead haha.


Ok I am sorry, it's all my bad. I have been such a bad blogger. School has been quite a load on my shoulders and sometimes it takes me away from realities and pleasure in life but luckily, Tipsy is not one a victim of the school sanity massacre.

It is Spring Break and I am in Orange, CA with my boyfriend and Tipsy is MIA. Because my parents are accountants, tax season is nearing its end and that means, it is gaining speed. So my parents did not want to watch her which is totally understandable. Tipsy needs full attention and I want her to have the exercise and love she deserves. So where is she? A wonderful bunny place called Tranquility Trail Animal Sanctuary. After driving from Tucson to Phoenix, we arrived at the bunny rescue, which offers bunny sitting at extremely affordable prices, and I dropped her off with her cottage, tunnels, food, toys, everything! It was just very strange seeing her there with so many bunnies around (of course they had their own x-pen). But there were 3 other buns in there with her and I dont think she has seen another bun since I have gotten her! She did not seem phased or interested at all, just wanted to explore her new place! Every 3 days, volunteers come to feed the rescue buns and visiting buns some vegies and treats. They get groomed and pets all for free by the loving bunny smart staff! I feel a lot better knowing that she is in good hands, not that my parents would not give her love and attention, but during stressful tax season times, Tipsy needs extra attention!

To my followers (hooray I have followers!)
Visit the website! They also have an online store
All merchandise bought go straight to the rescue!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Rabbit Dreams

I would love to think that there are people in my university that love bunnies as much as I do. So I thought, I could always join the House Rabbit Society and find a chapter here in Arizona, but it would be nice to see if there are people my age who have bunnies. I have not come across anyone yet and it is quite saddening. I would love to make a club at my university about rabbits and educate everyone about the joys of owning a rabbit and what it takes to properly care for one, but I am afraid not many people would join. But oh well, I guess I could dream. I was thinking of some day retiring and having a rabbit shop where ever I live and sell rabbit supplies cause I can never find any stores that specialize in rabbit safe toys, treats, houses, etc.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tis the season... for kisses!!!

So it's February, in, 4 hours haha. But I like to spruce up my laptop background monthly with cute rabbits. So this month... it's Valentines rabbits!! I scoped around to find the cutest V-Day worthy rabbit to call home on my laptop and totally found one just right for the job. I give you....
"Flopsy Full of Love" Photo By Marie Gretta Parker

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Who likes school?

I know I sure dont! Especially when they give me gobs of homework that I just do not want to do!! Hence the reason why I havent been on lately, sorry. Tipsy has been her typical self... she rages around the apartment to let me know it is time to strap on the harness and go run around the grass areas. Last time we went to my farm unit of my school. They have a giant grass parking lot and I just let Tipsy run like the wind till she passed out in the dirt. She was a nice brown color for some time. Before I left, the equine manager stopped me and wondered if I wouldnt mind showing Tipsy to some of the women at the front office... oh of course not! As Tipsy was half passed out in my arms from running around for half an hour, the middle aged women were gawking over how cute and well behaved Tipsy was. Asked questions like where does she live, is she trained, whats her personality like, how old is she, how big will she get, all sorts of stuff. She truly brings out the happiness in people. Anyways, I was just here to write a quick one but now I am back off to writing a paper for my Japanese class, oh yea, that I am so not looking forward to.

Monday, January 16, 2012


So today, Tipsy just drove me off a cliff. This morning, at 6am, she woke me up with the sound of cage gnawing and rattling. Awesome. Especially after going to bed around 2 last night (my neihbors got red tagged for unruly gathering at their apartment... eek!) So I spied all night long hehe. Anyways, I let her out when I finally wake up and she just broke loose. I had every toy imaginable on the carpet for her to play with, but what did she want? To dig in the carpet and eat it. Great. I tried saying NO clapping my hands, everything to deter her away from corners and couches but nothing could stop her and her love of carpet. So I decided, there was enough light outside, lets go out. I pack her up and take her to the grassy mall of my university. She was loving it. She was running everywhere and just enjoying the sunlight and the cool grass from a recent rain. People were shouting, "I love your rabbit!" From their car windows and awgling at her from a distance. There was a group of jocks commentating for her and I heard them making remarks and guessing her name and looked over and said, "It's Tipsy." They just thought that was the greatest and bestest name anyone could ever think up. Also, plenty of dogs made their way up and down oogling at her. One just would not stop barking at her and was just so fixated on her. It was pretty funny for the both of us, me thinks. Then an older couple came over and asked me if her name was Ace. That was the name of their daughters rabbit, a brown one, but the same size as Tipsy, but 7 years her senior. So for a bit, we chatted about our rabbits and they shared pets and scratches for her and she just nestled deep in the ground to get most comfortable. Oh! And her harness, I had to loosen that soooo much! She has grown exponentially since the last time I have put that on! Big bunny indeed! But we headed back home and I let Tipsy out and she just zonked out under my bed and I took a nap myself and it was one great nap!! Didnt have to wake up to yell NO and stay partially awake to hear signs for nibbling. It was fantastic.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Trouble is My Name

Tipsy is causing all sorts of trouble for me! Its like her toys and gadgets are not enough for her to play with, she has to terrorize my apartment! I hope it doesnt last too long, I dont think my pillows can take anymore chomping! Its also been rather chilly here and I have been hoping to take her down to the grassy area of my school so that she can play and have fun and not have to be cooped up in here. I am trying to make it more fun for her by hiding her vegies and treats in places so that she has to "forage" for her yummies. I will have a video up some time of it... when I have a working camera that is not my ipod.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A wine kind of night

So today we are finally back "home." Meaning, I am at school and in my apartment where Tipsy can free roam the entire place! She is soo happy right now. I set her down in my room and opened the cage and it was like, "oh, I know this, let's get to it." She was running around and having a blast. Now, that I have her fully potty trained, I can bring her out to the living room with a litterbox and not have to pick up after her! Didnt even need to show it to her she knew exactly where and what it was. So proud! It was such an intense day though, started off cleaning my room and bathroom/playpen, went to a movie with my sister and her husband, came back and finished cleaning, packed the car with Tipsy, dropped off a present at my sisters, got gas, realized I forgot pots and pans at my house, packed again, and finally left. Only to get here and unpack everything. And boy was it difficult. That giant dog crate I brought back home is HEAVY! Lifted that up a flight of stairs! But everything is put away and set up and cleaned up and all i needed was a frozen pizza from Trader Joes and a bottle of red wine to pair with it... oh and the cork is sitting inside it right now, awesome, its like half a cork because it wouldnt let me freaking open it! Just kept chipping away at it with the bottle opener but I was dang determined to have a nice glass of wine!! And it is a nice glass a wine. It may not be a Tanqueray Gin cocktail but it works.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Time Well Spent

Well, the vacation is almost over. Tipsy seemed like she had a lot of fun, especially with Pearl, and also terrorizing the chickens... I swear, I think she does it because she can. She loves the power. It is about time to leave too. Tipsy has figured out she can jump over the baby gate that keeps her in her playpen. She has tasted the outside world and wants more, glutenous little pig! So I blocked her with these cute little metal high chairs and they have these farm designs and open spaces on the backs. Sure enough, she figured out she can jump on the gate and slip through the open spaces. What a smarty pants!!! Not only were the New Zealands bred for meat and fur but I think they might have accidentally bred genius in there too! Also, the other night, I caught the cutest moment on my awful camera. Tipsy jumped on my bed to where Pearl was and nestled right under her and almost demanded to be licked by her and all Pearl did was look down and stare at her like, "What do you expect from me?" It was the funniest and cutest picture I ever did see, even if the quality of the picture was absolute trash haha.
So anyways, I know I am jumping from one to the other, but lately, Tipsy's morning goes as such. Wake up slave but digging at the plastic bottom, eat breakfast, get to go outside to harass the chickens, binky here, binky there, eat their food and get in trouble, dig some holes, eat some roots, binky some more, zoom into the chickens, get muddy, get back into the playpen, and sleep for the rest of the afternoon. She is a doll!
So here are some pictures!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Big White Bunny

I just noticed something while I was watching Tipsy run around on my bed this evening... she has gotten huge! I have had her now for almost 3 months now and she has grown 4 pounds! Thats a lot in rabbit terms. She used to be such a nervous little thing, and now she is a crazy little cotton fluff! When I am standing over her, I constantly think of what the woman said at the vet's office, "Oh, its a big bunny!" And every time I think of that and look at her I think to myself what is she talking about? She isnt that big. But tonight I realized just how big she is. She is almost as big as Pearl my French Bulldog!! Thats a big bunny!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Twas the most wonderful time of the year

Here are some family Christmas photos to enjoy!

Happy New Year!

So its been a while I know, but its family time so its hard to sit down, think, and type something witty.
Yesterday was pretty fun. I was on bunny duty making sure that Tipsy wasnt going to eat and destroy my sisters Dwarf Natal Plums (plus, I wasnt sure if they were safe for her to eat, but then Binky saved me and told me it was ok). So every time I walked away for a couple seconds, there was Tipsy, zooming for the plum plants. Every once in a while, she would also mow down the chickens to the dirt pile and lay there in the cold dirt while the chickens look on at the horrible mean white lump that just rid them of their prized dirt plot. When I brought her back home to her kennel, she took two steps from the traveling crate and plopped in the kennel to snooze. I would be tired from digging a hole to China and zooming across a whole yard!
For the remainder of the days spent, Tipsy gets a playpen in the bathroom I made. I felt bad because I couldnt let her out and alone in my room or else she will eat the carpet and the cords and I didnt want to close her off in the bathroom with the door, so I found a baby gate so that the door can always be open and she can always be a part of the family, without damaging the house! So while we made cookies for the holidays, Tipsy got to look on and smell the goodness. She also got new toys from . They have a retail store near where I live! It is filled with rescued rabbits in the back area!!! And there are so many toys its unbelievable! Tipsy would never get bored. Their toy selection is perfect. They have ones for eating, shredding, destroying, pushing, rolling, holding, etc... they are great! And the people are sooooo helpful and nice. Going there every time I come home. But her playpen is fully equipped with toys and she has a great time in there. Better get moving on, heading out to the feed store to get dog food and chicken feed!