Monday, January 9, 2012

A wine kind of night

So today we are finally back "home." Meaning, I am at school and in my apartment where Tipsy can free roam the entire place! She is soo happy right now. I set her down in my room and opened the cage and it was like, "oh, I know this, let's get to it." She was running around and having a blast. Now, that I have her fully potty trained, I can bring her out to the living room with a litterbox and not have to pick up after her! Didnt even need to show it to her she knew exactly where and what it was. So proud! It was such an intense day though, started off cleaning my room and bathroom/playpen, went to a movie with my sister and her husband, came back and finished cleaning, packed the car with Tipsy, dropped off a present at my sisters, got gas, realized I forgot pots and pans at my house, packed again, and finally left. Only to get here and unpack everything. And boy was it difficult. That giant dog crate I brought back home is HEAVY! Lifted that up a flight of stairs! But everything is put away and set up and cleaned up and all i needed was a frozen pizza from Trader Joes and a bottle of red wine to pair with it... oh and the cork is sitting inside it right now, awesome, its like half a cork because it wouldnt let me freaking open it! Just kept chipping away at it with the bottle opener but I was dang determined to have a nice glass of wine!! And it is a nice glass a wine. It may not be a Tanqueray Gin cocktail but it works.

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