Thursday, November 17, 2011

Weekend at Granny's

Before I start, this video was taken at my university's farm grounds, just having a good day in the sun and grass!!

So last weekend was a trip to granny's!! Well, Tipsy's granny, my mom. She has been to my sister's house before, but not my parents... a house filled with dangerous creatures! A Great Dane, a Labrador mix, and a HUGE cat. After the 2 hour trip of Tipsy just sleeping, we get there and she fits in just fine, so long as all the big dogs are outside. My sister eventually brings over her dogs and the party begins. Breakfast with the crazies!! We had 2 French Bulldogs playing rough house, a Australian Shepherd mix begging for attention, and a rabbit running around the "island counter." All of this happening just in the kitchen. Just mayhem. So as it turns to the afternoon, I brought Tipsy over to my sister's house... she has a big backyard fit for a rabbit!! Tipsy loves running up and down the fence line in the dirt, eating the little rogue pieces of grass my brother in law didnt mow, and playing chase with Pearl the Frenchie. There's also chickens back there! She doesnt care, she just barrels through them! I love watching her do it too haha. She just hops into the horde of chickens and they all flap their wings and cluck at her as if to say "Pardon me!" In my head, they are saying it in British accents, for some reason. We head back to my parent's house to UNLEASH THE JINXI! Thats the huge cat. She stalked her forever! Not in a "I am going to get you" kind of way, more like "you arent a cat, you arent a dog, so what are you? I will follow you to study your movements and make an assessment of my own" kind of way. Eventually she got bored and curled up on the couch and didnt care, until Tipsy jumped on her hahaha, good times.

(oh lordy, she pooped on the ground and flopped in it)

So next weeked is Thanksgiving!!! And we are going back to my parent's! And I intend on using their nice camera to make some new videos and take some really sweet pictures of Tipsy so I can post them on here!!!

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